Sunday, 11 July 2010

London, the River Thames

A trip to London from my home in Suffolk, ment I walked around the town where I used to work many years ago. I remember the mini skirts and boutiques in Chelsea, the buskers on the streets, the crowds in Oxford street, tourists everywhere, the pace of life seemed fast, it seems a lot faster now.

Most cities are the same, fun to work in when your young. As you get older you relise the cost in travel, stress and the cost of running a business in town.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

The wonder of computers. A few years ago to obtain a result like this would mean you process a colour transparency as a colour negative film. Then you print it. Many professional photographers did not have the processing equipment to do this, or the inclination. Or the creative ablity to visualize the finished result. Of course todays image maker still needs this creative ablity. Even if they are using photography, paint (oil or acrylic), coloured pencil, watercolur or even molten pigmentted beeswax.
The original photograph was taken at Lowstoft, Suffolk and the background was cleaned up with photoshop. For the second photograph the invert button was used with slight coloue adjustment.