Sunday, 27 June 2010

Strolling through Oxford, I saw this busker. People were everywhere, but not where I wanted them. I tried long & short exposures through a long lens but I was aware that nothing was working for me. So I visualized the images around the player that I could manipulate to get the affect of movement using our old friend photoshop.
Like so many images we make, you have to visualize it first


  1. Hi Barry like your blog and your photo. You obviously have vast experience, I am new to blogging so if you could visit my blog and comment I am sure your advice and skills would be useful for the photography community I am trying to attract. Best wishes Kev

  2. Thanks for your comment. Like you I'm new to blogging. I had a web site for many years but gave it up because I was no longer looking for commisions. A blog seemed a good alternative.
    I would suggest to anyone using filters, buy the square ones. Fit the lens fitting to each lens and just move the filter holder from one lens to another. I do use a round UV filter on each lens as well
